I'm a slacker at blogging. It's called summer vacation, but I end up being 10x more busy now then I ever was during the school year! Lemme Catch you up.
- Phil and I got engagement and bridal pictures! Hooray!! Aimee was AWESOME to work with, and we had tons of fun as Phil sneezed in my hair, we drank lemonade, and Phil awkwardly would kiss me and say, "Sorry, I have to suck my lips in so it doesn't look like I'm engulfing you!" I almost peed my pants from laughing so hard. What a character. He thinks I can't handle his lips!
- I graduated from the Sandy City Police Department Citizen's Academy! Can I mention that my heart broke when I read in my planner that it was my last week? It was like a part of me was run over by a semi. Who wouldn't miss getting tazed, shot by fake bullets, and trying to control a freakishly real "drunk" who is really an officer that I met and did a ride along with and became friends with? It was a good taste of what I would like to be doing in a couple years, and also made me much more grateful of what my dad has been doing for his career! I sure love those cops!
- On Monday I start full time at Scheels! Hooray!! It was a slightly bittersweet day at the pool as I took my last rotation in the chair, whistled my last 5 minute break, and got a free refill of powerade. But let's be honest. I do not think I will miss it all that much! I may miss being able to exercise while I'm working, but I think the paychecks and the ferris wheel rides will be worth it!
- I'm getting married. In 52 days. I think I'll start a chain. Phil and I bought a couch, and we are currently on the hunt for a kitchen table! It's fun starting to put a home together and just be all cute like that! I'm so lucky to get to be with that man for Eternity. Hooray for Prince Philips!!!
- Phil and I went camping with his little brother Mikey last week. Talk about an adventure! Actually it was pretty chill. We found a great campsite, didn't start the forest on fire, and even had decend tin foil dinners and mountain man breakfast! For the first time in my 19 years, I was NOT COLD CAMPING! And no, Phil did not sleep next to me and keep me warm. In fact if I was cold I would've ended up cuddling with Mikey because of sleeping arrangements! It was just a warm summer night, and it was really nice to not sleep in a hat, gloves, long johns, footie pajamas, parka, snow pants, socks, hand warmers, toe warmers, oh...I should stop.
- Speaking of camping, I went to Girl's Camp (AS A LEADER!) and it was so stinkin fun! We only had one girl go to the emergency room, so I would consider it a success! Zip lines, hiking, camp fires, bugs, late night chats, not showering for 3 days, dutch oven meals, freezing to death, and all that jazz. It was absolutely wonderful! I told Phil that I'm doomed to be the camp director in the future because I just love girl's camp way too much! He can keep me warm at night! Hooray for warm husbands!
- I was a volunteer for the active shooter drill that took place at Alta High school a couple weeks ago. I don't know whether having a dad that was a part of it or knowing the lady in charge was a good thing or a bad thing. Me and my cute friend Harland were taken hostage in the last scenario. I cannot begin to describe the fear that ran through my head as the shooter held a gun to my head and threated to kill me. I knew he did not have bullets in the gun, but it was a real gun, and a very realistic situation. I can't imagine the fear that went through the heads of kids involved in shootings like Columbine, Virginia Tech, and the Amish School shooting. All I could think about was how I was going to keep the shooter focused on me, and not hurt the other people next to me. It was traumatic, but a great learning experience for both students and officers that had to respond to the scenario. I enjoyed it! Well, "enjoyed" is a relative term. :)
My computer is about to die, and because I am too lazy to go plug it in, I must bid thee farewell! I'll try to be more up-to-date on my blogging!
Funny the Way It Is!