It's kind of a big deal...

Monday, April 23, 2012

Ode to the ROOMMIES!!

As finals week has suddenly fallen into my lap, I cannot help but think what a bitter-sweet time this is! It's been a fantastic semester, full of late homework nights, lots of brownie eating, a cute guy named Phil, and enjoying my time with my lovely roommates. And it's officially my last week in STUDENT HOUSING!! Let's be honest for a sec. I have LOVED my roommates. Despite the rough patches we've had because of my clean freakiness, we have had some good times together, and I am really going to miss them! But at the same time, I am very excited to be able to go to sleep at night and know there will not be people running and screaming through the hallway outside my room. I'm excited I will not have to walk up 8 flights of stairs to get to my apartment on the top floor. I'm excited to be back home where my Mom buys delicious food. I'm excited to be back home with my dog Sophie. I'm excited that I will not have to drive 40 minutes from Orem to work in West Jordan every other day. But I won't lie, there are things I will miss. I'll miss washing my face with Kirsten every night. I'll miss listening to Rylee's dramatic, but very entertaining stories. I'll miss Bri's sneezes. I'll miss always having a friend around, and a girl to talk to about my problems. I'll (secretly) miss the people running and screaming through the hallway. I'll miss watching Chopped with Kirsten. I'll miss my view of the hotel view outside my window. I'll miss my squeaky desk chair. And I'll miss the college life of late, LATE nights, and running around like a crazy person! But it has been a fun year! I have experience the "college life," and I enjoyed it! I definitely did not like it at first, but I have come to love it, and I will miss it! But...being with the guy I love is just fine with me! :) A roommate for eternity that I can KISS!! What fun! I sure have enjoyed this life of mine! It's been a fun year, and definitely did not turn out the way I thought it would! I expected myself to be back here in my apartment next year, and maybe even the year after that, until I graduated.'s a journey, mine just took a little unexpected turn! But a very good unexpected turn! I cannot wait to see what life is like a year from now! I'm excited to see what will happen in the live's of my cute roommates, and where they will be in a year. I'm grateful for them always putting up with me. I'm hard to live with. I'm a neat freak. I go to bed early. Etc. Etc. But they were always my friends, and I love them SOOOOO much! :) Thanks for the fun year girls, you are amazing people, and I was very blessed to have you in my life the past year.


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